Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Dog Has a Blog...

Okay, this has only been up and running for about 2 days now and I decided "The Del'Ve Family Blog" just sounded a little too boring! Not that we're a boring bunch or anything, but "Rodent Dog Blog" just has a better ring to it! I named the blog after Squirt...

If you don't happen to know how he got the nickname of 'Rodent Dog', it happened at Agility class one night. Barb, my girlfriend and the instructor, looked over into the tall grass where Squirt was laying and all you could see were his nose and those giant ears coming up out of the grass. She told me he looked like a 'Giant Rodent'! The name just kind of stuck...

Personally, I think giant rodents are kind of cute! And really, sometimes Squirt's life is a lot more exciting than mine! So now... My dog has a blog! But, he'll share it with the rest of the family so we can all keep in touch! What do you think??

Now all I have to do is figure out why the aspect ratio of the slideshow got out of whack! It was fine yesterday when I set it up!! Cyberspace seems to work in strange ways!!

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