Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend at the Cabin...

We just got back from spending a LAZY couple days at the cabin! Actually, I'm not usually that lazy, it's just that it rained most of the time so my options for hiking with Squirt were limited! We did manage to get out every time the rain let up, tho! Saturday afternoon we even had huge hail come pelting down!

We drove over to Legacy Ranch by Black Canyon Lake. This ranch sits on acres and acres, anchored by a 'tiny little' 21,000 s.f. log home! Next to that is a man-made lake leading to this beautiful red and white barn! Usually there are llamas in the pasture, but this weekend, even the llamas weren't out! Apparently, it's owned by the people that own the "In-Flight" magazine that you see on planes! Hummmm, just think about that the next time something in their catalog seems a bit pricey! You're actually helping to finance this massive ranch!

The nights were cool and Joe built a couple blazing fires in the fireplace! We tossed in some of the pine cones that Mom gave us that makes the fire dance in bright blue and purple colors! And I had a chance to catch up on some of the reading that I never seem to have time to do!

A great weekend, but way too short!

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