Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


This weekend Squirt and I had a chance to run up to the cabin to check out the changing color. Because most of the trees in the Heber area are pines, there's not a lot of color change, but there was some! Every year I forget how pretty the fall colors are!


I finally had a chance to be part of the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk! One of about 30,000 people !! It was so organized and such an inspirational event!

I walked with some of the people from Liberty Wildlife... I walked in memory of Julie Rissman, who sadly, succumbed to breast cancer right around this time last year.

There were bands, cheerleaders, people handing out water, ice tea, and energy drinks! It was so much fun!


Mom and I took a fun trip to Indianapolis this month so she could meet her newest Great-Grandchild, Haidyn! What a cutie! And Kennedy is getting so big!! We hadn't see Bill and Dianne and the family in so long.... We had a great time!

Had to stop at the first White Castle we saw, of course!

The first day we went with Lisa to Kennedy's gymnastics class in the morning... in an ELITE gym, nonetheless! In the afternoon we went to "Monkey Joes"! I'm not sure who had more fun; Kennedy or me!! Great photo ops because it was all so colorful and the expressions were priceless! But I have to say... I had just as much fun playing on the slides! There are times I just have to have a child with me so I don't look like a complete idiot playing on all the kids bouncy slides!

Bill and Dianne took us to the Indianapolis Speedway! What an awesome track! Too bad the Indy cars weren't racing that day! I WILL ride in one someday!! Went through the museum to see former race cars and then out to the pits to see some stock cars racing! Actually, some of the drivers were giving the public rides and some were paying a heavy price to race around the track by themselves!

Went to the bar with Bill, Dianne and Lisa and listened to some Karaoke! It was hard to keep Mom from getting up to sing...but we managed! (Just kidding!)

And...White Castles! Did I mention we had a few White Castles??!

Thanks, guys...for a GREAT time!

DOG BEACH - 2009

Squirt and I hit the road for an awesome trip to Ocean Beach in San Diego! We went back to Dog Beach from September 10-13! We hadn't been there for about 6 years! What a blast! We stayed at the Ocean Villa Inn! It actually backs up to Dog Beach so it was so easy to run back and forth to the room!

For all the fear Squirt shows of water when I try to get him to go in the pool, I couldn't keep him out of the ocean! We walked MILES back and forth the length of the beach!

I met another photographer on the beach who told me about the "Dog Surfing" Championships to be held at Del Mar Dog Beach on Sunday! Though I couldn't take a lot of pictures because there were about 3,000 people there and I couldn't go out deep enough in the water without drowning Squirt to get good shots, it was a alot of fun just the same!

Bob drove down to San Diego while I was there. He was going watch Brianna in a softball game in town, so we caught a quick breakfast before the game! Check out the bread pudding, covered in yogurt, topped with granola and fresh strawberries and blueberries! Yum!

Squirt and I also did a morning at Balboa Park... Lots of great photo ops!

With the 3 nights I stayed in the motel we got 2 additional nights for free to be used between January and May 2010... so we'll be making a return trip early next year!