Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

And Happy Birthday to Grandma Aldrich, too! (She would have been 111 today!)

This is Mom's topiary bunny dressed in his patriotic garb!

As I write this post, fireworks are booming in the distance! They're just below the treeline from here, but Mom will have a front-row seat over at her place! Last night Mom, Joe and I went up to Cave Creek for the annual Fireworks display! Every year we say it was better than the last! It was a great display with lots of new designs!

Since my creativity (and energy level) is totally running on empty right now, our big 4th of July meal today was hot dogs and chips! Oh, and Mom brought the dessert and appetizers! Where is Martha Stewart when you really need her??

Hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend!

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