Friday, July 3, 2009


Sunday, June 21st, we celebrated the BIG-20 for Mom's Cockatiel, Puffin! The average age for a cockatiel is 13-15 years!! I'm sure it's because he has the best life in the world! He's always soooo busy...just like his Mom! He runs over to the counter in the morning to have his breakfast, takes bird baths in his giant heated pool, and can be found admiring himself in any one of the 15 or so mirrors hung up around the house just for him! He also gets no less than 6-7 different types of food every morning... Wow, over 20 years that means she's prepared 7,300 meals for him!

He also has started playing on his own little elevated play gym suspended over Mom's enclosed porch. It's a little structural miracle made up of intersecting ladders and yes...more mirrors. There is even a little house up there for him (modified kleenex box) with, yep, you guessed it...a mirror inside! He'll play up there for hours! Lately, tho, with temperatures getting up in the low 100's, he can only stay outside for a couple hours in the morning! Come fall, he'll be spending the better part of his days out there!

Anyway... We celebrated with his own special cake, lots of gifts and cupcakes for us! Oh yeah... a lunch of Chinese food, too!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY little buddy...and many more!!

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