Sunday, July 26, 2009

A TAD overheated....the car, that is!

Headed up to the cabin last weekend, it was about 115-degrees! We rented a U-Haul to take up the last mattress/box spring combination. I never thought about turning off the A/C while climbing the hills up to Heber… But, I guess I should have!

The car totally overheated! A cop stoppd by and said it had been called in that "the car was on fire and they weren’t sure…but they thought the person that opened th hood was too"! Gotta love a person with a great imagination, a cell phone and too much time on their hands!

Anyway, after about 30 minutes hanging out by the side of the road, we were on our way! It was long enough to pull out the camera, though, and get a few pictures!

The rest of the weekend was great! About mid-60s at night and high 80’s during the day! AHHHHHHH!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!

And Happy Birthday to Grandma Aldrich, too! (She would have been 111 today!)

This is Mom's topiary bunny dressed in his patriotic garb!

As I write this post, fireworks are booming in the distance! They're just below the treeline from here, but Mom will have a front-row seat over at her place! Last night Mom, Joe and I went up to Cave Creek for the annual Fireworks display! Every year we say it was better than the last! It was a great display with lots of new designs!

Since my creativity (and energy level) is totally running on empty right now, our big 4th of July meal today was hot dogs and chips! Oh, and Mom brought the dessert and appetizers! Where is Martha Stewart when you really need her??

Hope everyone had a fun holiday weekend!

Friday, July 3, 2009


Sunday, June 21st, we celebrated the BIG-20 for Mom's Cockatiel, Puffin! The average age for a cockatiel is 13-15 years!! I'm sure it's because he has the best life in the world! He's always soooo busy...just like his Mom! He runs over to the counter in the morning to have his breakfast, takes bird baths in his giant heated pool, and can be found admiring himself in any one of the 15 or so mirrors hung up around the house just for him! He also gets no less than 6-7 different types of food every morning... Wow, over 20 years that means she's prepared 7,300 meals for him!

He also has started playing on his own little elevated play gym suspended over Mom's enclosed porch. It's a little structural miracle made up of intersecting ladders and yes...more mirrors. There is even a little house up there for him (modified kleenex box) with, yep, you guessed it...a mirror inside! He'll play up there for hours! Lately, tho, with temperatures getting up in the low 100's, he can only stay outside for a couple hours in the morning! Come fall, he'll be spending the better part of his days out there!

Anyway... We celebrated with his own special cake, lots of gifts and cupcakes for us! Oh yeah... a lunch of Chinese food, too!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY little buddy...and many more!!