Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The celebration was soooo big we had to carry it over two days!  Well, actually, I had to work on Monday, so we decided to go out to eat on Sunday night instead!

We went to Elephant Bar for her 'fav food'...  RIBS!  Although she didn't make it through the entire 1/2 slab, she did a pretty good job and still had some left over for another two meals! 

(Taken with a camera phone...don't be too critical!)
A Red Velvet Cupcake for Dessert!

Then, of course, we had to do Culver's for her Birthday Celebration last night because she's the "Custard Queen!  Geez...they even knew it was her Birthday!!

Then we went back to the house for the best part...  PRESENTS!!

One of her neighbors gave her Roses!

Okay, the suspense is killing us!
A Linen Towel just like she and Grandma used to exchange!

This will look soooo good on her shiny white car!
Look out...now she can see the keyboard and they keys won't stick!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!  86 years YOUNG!!  I love you...


I get to see some of the most exotic places when I'm traveling for work! This, for example, is a little town I drove through on the way to Bullhead City! Yep...Nothing, AZ. Population 4!

But seriously...once I got there I had a great time!  Sharon, from Tri-State Reporting spent the night also and we went over to check out the new Aquarius Hotel.  She won $100...  I won NOTHING! 

We stayed across the street at the Tropicana Express...  It's not anything like the Tropicana in Vegas, but it was clean and CHEAP!  Room Rate...  $19.95!

Monday, July 19, 2010

A Weekend at the Cabin...

Mom, Puffin, Squirt & I spent a nice COOL weekend at the cabin July 11th-12th. Well, actually, make that the 13th, since we ran into a total road closure on the way home Sunday due to a mudslide and had to turn around just before Payson and head back to the cabin for another night! It wasn't much of a hardship to have to spend another night in 65-degree weather as opposed to the 115-degree weather that was waiting for us at home!

We relaxed, played cards, and made chocolate-dipped strawberries! YUM! Have I ever mentioned that my mother is a total CHOCOHOLIC?? We're lucky that ANY of the chocolate actually made it to the berries! Also did a yummy Puffed Apple Pancake for breakfast Sunday morning!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

DOG BEACH - April 16-18, 2010

We just got back from a quick weekend at Dog Beach... So much fun, but much chillier than it was last summer! The water was FREEZING and Squirt nor I spent much time walking in it!

Free is good and this weekend was FREE! We got a coupon for two free nights when we stayed last summer, so didn't want to let it go to waste!

We stayed on the west side of the property this time and there was a fence that made a dog run right outside our room. Squirt was in heaven! He found out he could run in and out of everyone else's room and scam a meal at every stop!

It was so fun to walk out of the bathroom and see other peoples dogs either laying on the bed or running through the room!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

Celebrated with Mom at Friday's! Had to share a cocktail to celebrate the Green! Unfortunately, the picture to comemmorate the day didn't turn out! Too much Irish Coffee??!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Since my depo cancelled Tuesday I decided to go in search of some Wildflowers to photograph! Carol Samson and I headed out toward Lost Dutchman State Park to see what we could find! Lost Dutchman was a bust as far as wildflowers go, so we headed on to Boyce Thompson Arboretum. We found so many wildflowers along Hwy 60, that we just pulled over and took some photos there! Okay...so I looked a little funny sprawled flat out on the ground to take pictures while laying next to the highway, but the pictures came out really fun!

The Arboretum was beautiful, but there weren't any wildflowers there either! There were som some good photo ops of native plants, tho!

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to see more of Arizona... and take advantage of my sporadic days off!


Okay...this is an all-out effort to start blogging more! I want to get to the end of the year and be able to look back over some of the things I've done...
So, I'm going to start catching up on some of the things I've been doing over the past month and then try to stay more current...

While I was at Barbs (February 13-15) we went to CMSA... The Cowboy Mounted Shooting event! Way fun! Great photo ops!

I also had a chance to ride Trixie! She's a great horse. I miss Whiskey so much, tho! Barb got a new Arabian, Indy, since last time I was down here. What a beautiful beast! I spent a lot of time trying to learn to post on Trixie...but wasn't real successful! I'm sure watching me try is most amusing!