Thursday, March 18, 2010


Okay...this is an all-out effort to start blogging more! I want to get to the end of the year and be able to look back over some of the things I've done...
So, I'm going to start catching up on some of the things I've been doing over the past month and then try to stay more current...

While I was at Barbs (February 13-15) we went to CMSA... The Cowboy Mounted Shooting event! Way fun! Great photo ops!

I also had a chance to ride Trixie! She's a great horse. I miss Whiskey so much, tho! Barb got a new Arabian, Indy, since last time I was down here. What a beautiful beast! I spent a lot of time trying to learn to post on Trixie...but wasn't real successful! I'm sure watching me try is most amusing!

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