Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The celebration was soooo big we had to carry it over two days!  Well, actually, I had to work on Monday, so we decided to go out to eat on Sunday night instead!

We went to Elephant Bar for her 'fav food'...  RIBS!  Although she didn't make it through the entire 1/2 slab, she did a pretty good job and still had some left over for another two meals! 

(Taken with a camera phone...don't be too critical!)
A Red Velvet Cupcake for Dessert!

Then, of course, we had to do Culver's for her Birthday Celebration last night because she's the "Custard Queen!  Geez...they even knew it was her Birthday!!

Then we went back to the house for the best part...  PRESENTS!!

One of her neighbors gave her Roses!

Okay, the suspense is killing us!
A Linen Towel just like she and Grandma used to exchange!

This will look soooo good on her shiny white car!
Look out...now she can see the keyboard and they keys won't stick!!

Happy Birthday, Mom!  86 years YOUNG!!  I love you...

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