Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Miss you Dad...

It's been twelve years today since Dad passed away and I still miss him so much... So, it's my "Tribute to Dad Day"!

Dad never met a stranger...everyone was his friend! He was such a "people-person". Humm, I guess that gene must have skipped a generation with me! I sort of believe that the more I know people, the more I love my animals! They're so 'non-judgemental'!!

I remember that if I wanted to talk to him as a kid growing up, I usually had to lean over the engine of a car that he, Bob and Bill were working on! Not that it was a bad thing! I totally understood the engine of the Mustang! I could gap my own spark plugs, change my own oil, change belts and hoses... Now with everything so computerized only Bill has a clue of what goes on under the hood! Oh... and I've just given up changing my oil... When it gets really bad, I just sell the car! (Just kidding, Bill!)

We had such a great childhood... Two wonderful supportive parents!


  • Tawas and the "Hobby Lot"?
  • "Rock a Teeter" with Roberta and Annette?
  • Building the garage on Rosemont?
  • The trailer and the mini-bikes?
  • The Honda 50's?? (One green, one purple!)
  • Time spent on the farm with Aunt Von and Uncle Len?
  • The boats and water skiing?
Great Memories! I'm going to have to dig out some old pictures!!

Love you Dad!!

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