Monday, July 19, 2010

A Weekend at the Cabin...

Mom, Puffin, Squirt & I spent a nice COOL weekend at the cabin July 11th-12th. Well, actually, make that the 13th, since we ran into a total road closure on the way home Sunday due to a mudslide and had to turn around just before Payson and head back to the cabin for another night! It wasn't much of a hardship to have to spend another night in 65-degree weather as opposed to the 115-degree weather that was waiting for us at home!

We relaxed, played cards, and made chocolate-dipped strawberries! YUM! Have I ever mentioned that my mother is a total CHOCOHOLIC?? We're lucky that ANY of the chocolate actually made it to the berries! Also did a yummy Puffed Apple Pancake for breakfast Sunday morning!